Hi there! Here, Lisa Charlotte Muth documents her process of writing a book on colors in data visualizations while working at Datawrapper. Learn more here: FAQ / Announcement


<aside> 👉 I’m pausing this Updates blog! I’m on parental leave until summer 2023, and will need a few months afterwards to get sorted – so don’t expect anything new here until then or later 🙂


All Updates

The fuller the moon, the more happy I was with what I've worked on that day.

The last few updates

in full text, to scroll through, for your convenience

August 03

Today we had a Communications Roadmap Planning meeting! And we decided that I’ll get a few blog posts ready in the next few weeks (even some non-color-related ones! Exciting!), so I’ll pause this updates blog. See you soon! 👋

August 02

Didn’t feel well today, so I got far less done than I wanted to.

August 01

August! Neat. Today I dealt with more hiring stuff – and then somebody made me aware that the R package Farver converts colors from HEX to OkLCH the same as oklch.evilmartians.io, but differently than the official OkLCH picker.

A color like #efb90b has a lightness of 78 in the official picker, but 87 in the Evil Martians tool. The hue and chroma are also slightly different.